Cauliflower Pizza Crust Recipe

Cauliflower Pizza Crust is a delicious yet healthy veggie-packed pizza crust! It’s not only gluten-free but also grain-free, and nut-free, making it a great option for people who still want to eat their pizza without the guilt.


- Cauliflower   - Black pepper - Garlic powder - Onion powder - Italian seasoning - Egg - Parmesan cheese - Mozzarella


Make the Cauliflower Rice By Hand: Cut the cauliflower into large florets. Using a box grater, grate the florets on the medium or large side in order to get rice-sized kernels.


Stovetop: Saute the cauliflower rice on medium heat for about 10 minutes or until it’s nice and soft.


Line a large bowl with cheesecloth. Place the cooked cauliflower in the cheesecloth and let sit for at least 10 minutes to cool. 


Once it has cooled down, tighten the cheesecloth and squeeze all of the liquid out. It may take a few minutes to ensure all the liquid comes out. 

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