Easy Keto Tacos Recipe

 These crispy cheese shells combined with deliciously seasoned beef make the perfect low carb tacos that your family will be asking for every week.


- Keto cheese taco shells - Steak - Keto taco seasoning


Cook your keto cheddar cheese taco shells.  Place steak on a cutting board and use a sharp chef’s knife to cut steak into small bite-sized cubes.


Transfer steak to a frying pan or skillet. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and 2 tablespoons for homemade low carb taco seasoning.


Stir together, and cook on medium high heat. Cook for about 5-10 minutes, continuing to stir so the steak doesn’t burn.


Once the steak is ready, it’s time to assemble your tacos. Add about 2 ounces of taco meat to each taco shell, then add your toppings.

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